Mistrust and misunderstanding had caused us to take, to amass, to guard, and to strike first. We are depleting the world's store and breaking the balance to all things. We have bred for generations, hatred and zealousness against those not like us. And what are we to do, when parents teach children, when media tell the people, when the world tell each other, we are born with enemies.

The race for power between nations and ideologies had forever put lands and resources to waste. The growing contest for these lands and resources forever push the world to new ways to waste. The lack of will to understand and trust drives the world to control and deter. Down this path there is no hope for a future besides through conquest and domination. And there will come one day where the need to control and deter leads to the ultimate subjugation. A slave race submitting to a master race. And by overpowering technology, our destiny is sealed.

We notice already the technology to control has advanced always. But all the mistrust, all the control, it is not inevitable. civilization had grown with slaves, but free minds give the most innovations. Wise usage of lands and resource, efficiency in human co-operation, knowledge of nature and science, application of robotic labours, sharing of ideas and creations, spreading of perspectives and understanding; allow every region to grow in abundance together. The endless innovation from people who seek always to improve the life of themselves and the fellow human, to explore and to conquer challenges, contributing always to the state and nations united that is the sum of all civilization's wisdom -that will guide them, that will protect them- negates the need of overseeing.

For this, we spread our ideals