In Hong Kong, as in many locations, is a hardship of the people pursuing certain goals and interests in life in light of the social and financial responsibility or burden laid upon them. Artists, creatives, scientists, inventors, and disadvantaged groups, those who want to be, and those wanted to be, find the market has little room and the system provides insufficient support for these independent, fledgling, population trying to accomplish something they aspire to do.

We understand there will always be room for a more efficient human society. We understand the need for it to have room and berth for talents in every field to grow and express, that aside of globalization and the global sharing of art and technological advancement it is nonetheless contributory to the cause of human advancement when all corners of the world could breed pioneers and nurture visionaries. It should not be an eventuality that these groups must seek different lands to advance their dreams, that the land where they come from must lose such skills to other lands.

That becomes possible when artists find patronage where they belong and so bring art to the population that nourishes mind or soul and allow human to understand each other more; it becomes possible when scientists and engineers believe they are needed and ready to solve problems so simple across daily life and problems so deeply set in the foundation of human infrastructures.

That becomes possible when those lacking in certain areas of expertise can freely find those versed in such areas and collaborate to create something more complex and useful and beautiful.

So we sought to provide the ideas, the funding and the connection for the people to build their projects according to their ideals.

We believe those who find us or those whom we find, will find the chance to express. and thereafter they will have the choice to persist upon their success, or to continue their choice in life knowing they have done at least once what they believe they had always wanted. We believe the presentation of such choices is invaluable in making people understand their goals and roles in life, and then wherever they end up in society they would perform better for it.

We would gift their projects to the public that anyone could potentially benefit from the results. Because the public deserves to enjoy something beautiful, entertaining, innovative or efficient. Because when public areas are efficient and attractive, the public may spend more time observing and so learn to understand things and others better. Because the public is the best source of providing more talents to collaborate with. Because collaboration and understanding will be what close the rift in all levels of society.

And art and innovation are what always had brought humanity forward, and it shall not stop.